The good news is, it’s not just case of scrimping and skipping meals, if you stick to the tips and follow the menu, you’ll definitely feel the benefit even if your big date is just days away.
- Always eat breakfast – Kick-start your body’s engine with a low fat, slow release, unrefined meal. And aim for a 300-350 calorie meal to fit in with the body’s natural metabolism which is primed in the morning and tails off during the day.
- Hydrate – Drink plenty of fluids (water, herbal teas and sugar-free cordial); aim for two litres spread throughout the whole day and you’ll feel more energised, toxins will be flushed away and your complexion will definitely improve.
- Don’t skip meals; eat evenly throughout the day – Your body actually burns up calories in digesting food, so the fewer meals you eat, the less of a chance it has to do that.
- Kick the booze – If you drink your maximum recommended units (21 per week for women), then you are taking in more than 1,000 extra calories. Strengthen that willpower and try to cut alcohol as much possible in the lead up to the big day.
- Don’t scrimp on protein – Eat a portion of protein at lunchtime – to help avoid an energy slump in the afternoon, which could have you heading for the vending machine.
- Eat mindfully – You can’t afford to ‘waste’ calories by eating mindlessly at the fridge, or straight from the saucepan. Make sure that you sit down to savour all your meals and snacks.
- Get a smaller plate – swap your normal plate for a slightly smaller one, it makes your meals seem larger and you'll find your 'full switch' will flip a little faster.
- Say no to processed food – If it comes in a packet, leave it on the supermarket shelf, you’re automatically eliminating food manufacturers’ high fat and high sugar products.
- Move more – remember as well as cutting calories you can burn them too – make sure you compliment the 10-point plan with physical activity.
- Mix it up – make sure you don’t eat the same thing for breakfast, lunch and dinner day-in day-out.
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